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You are viewing Cheat Codes for System Shock 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:54:37 Views : 13160 Cheat : In the game hit SHIFT and ; (SEMICOLON) together, then type: summon_obj [item] medical kit psi amp wrench pistol shotgun assault rifle laser pistol EMP Rifle Electro Shock Gren Launcher Stasis Field Generator Fusion Cannon Crystal Shard Viral Prolif Worm Launcher You may also type these codes: psi_full = Give the player full psi points ubermensch = Turns the player into homo superior add_pool = Give player additional build pool points show_version = Display version in game mode toggle_inv = Toggle inv panel cycle_ammo = Cycle through available ammo types toggle_compass = Toggle compass state query = Query cursor 1 = on 0 = off split = Split cursor 1 = on 0 = off shock_jump_player = Jump the player look_cursor = Puts cursor into look mode reload_gun = Reloads weapon out of inventory swap_guns = Switches primary and secondary weapons wpn_setting_toggle = Toggles between weapon settings select_psipower = Brings up the psi power selection MFD equip_weapon S= earches your inv for a particular weapon and equips it cycle_weapon = Cycles through next equippable weapon, 1 for fwd, -1 for back psi_power = Acts like the 1-5 level buttons open_mfd = Open up an MFD by overlay constant stop_email = Stop any currently playing email/log clear_teleport = Clear any existing teleport marker quickbind = Bind a quick slot quickuse = Activate a quick slot use_obj = Use an object by name msg_history = Toggle message history play_unread_log = Play an unread log toggle_mouse = Switch between mouselook & cursor modes frob_toggle = Switch between modes, also frobbing current selection frob_object = Simple frob of selected object frob_object_inv = Simple frob of selected object, in world or in inv interface_use = Inv use an item fire_weapon = Fire weapon 1 = start 0 = finish drag_and_drop = Drag & drop 1 = start 0 = finish drag_and_drop_frob = Drag & drop 1 = start 0 = finish drag_and_drop_mode = Drag & drop 1 = start 0 = finish quicksave = Save to 'current' subdir quickload = Load from 'current' subdir Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more System Shock 2 cheat codes.
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